The Third World is an old and derogatory word that has been used traditionally to explain a category of economically growing nations. It is a part of a four-component segmentation that become used to explain the world’s economies with the aid of using monetary status.
There may be some approaches to divide up the arena for functions of financial segmentation. Classifying international locations as First, Second, Third, and Fourth World changed into an idea created in the course of and after the Cold War, which ran from about 1945 to the 1990s.
Now since we went through the definition of The 3rd World, let’s talk about the unshaped diamonds of those countries, the future of these societies.. Youth!
The youngsters in these countries are also divided into 3 parts each part is sectioned into 2 other segments, and we’ll talk in details about each and every segment.
Let’s start with the first segment, they are the successful ones, the elite members of those societies, the ones that are call dreamers and influencers by some people. This class of studs have succeeded in their lives either inside their country or abroad, it doesn’t matter where did they make it happen, but the main story is that they created a wealth, and a successful story to tell their gran’kids. This particular category is devided into two segments, the first one have made it inside their homeland, either by getting a degree and holding a position that made them wealthy and powerful, or by moving abroad to a “First World’s Country” seeking for a better education or a better work opportunities, to come back after years of hard work wealthy and powerful as well.
That’s the first category, now if we dug a little deeper we’ll discover a class at the bottom, the “Unlucky” studs, or at least that’s what they call themselves. These young people simply did not make it in life, they struggle with the most basic human needs that you can imagine, most of them don’t have jobs, and if they do, it’s not even enough to put food on their table.
These guys are also divided into 2 parts, the first ones are really unlucky.. you just can’t describe it any other way other than saying that they are truly out of luck.
Whatever they do is a losing game, they try to get jobs and it don’t work, they get a lot of troubles and obstacles on their journey, and they always get brought down when they’re trying to reach for the most basic needs in life. Bottom line, they just try so hard and it don’t work, i’ve known some of them personally that’s why i can’t be mad at them with what they’re going through while they keep trying over and over.
The ones that annoy me personally are the lads that just sit back and do nothing to make their life better, and they contribute nothing to their society, they’re just a burden on everyone in their social network because they’re not trying to do anything to change their lives to the best, they just complain about everything and call themselves “Unlucky”.
Now since we got those two segments out of the way, let’s talk about the stars of this article, the middle class, the spoiled ones.
The first part of this class are the youngsters that can’t be called successful if we used their society’s standards of success, but they can put food on their table, they just work normal jobs, to get what they need to have a decent life, and join the middle class of their society.
Personally, i respect these people if they’re not complaining about not being that successful, because if you’re happy with what you got then that’s all that matters. But the second segment of this class my opinion is the worst one, these lads rely on their parents (Legal Guardian) to get what the successful people possess, in some of the 3rd world countries you’ll find many young people that don’t work at all, they don’t WANT to work, they own a dope car, they always have money in their pockets and they live their lives to the best only by relying on someone else while their ages are between (21 yo — 30 yo).
The reason why i despise this class is because that they don’t realize what kind of chaos they cause in the society in an indirect way. Let me give you a summary of the problems these guys cause in their societies;
The successful class have worked very hard for those possessions and wealth, when they see these guys getting all of that with no effort, they just think that they’ve wasted all their lives running after something that anyone can get, the “Unlucky” class is affected even more than the first ones, the second segment of the “unlucky” lads then use these guys as a reinforcement to their complains, “Oh look at this guy getting it all for free, i’m certainly unlucky”. And they end up committing crimes such as stealing, assault.. and other ugly crimes. The first segment of the unlucky lads just get more disappointed in themselves and most of them end up doing crazy things when they see other young people same age as him getting the triple of what he’ve been fighting for without any effort.
And there are many other anomalies that these youngster cause in a 3rd world’s society, these guys are basically not a good example to others, not a good future, and not a race that we can rely on to develop our selves and countries.